Raimondo kicks Kirchick again

Masochist that I am, I took on the task of comparing what Kirchick wrote about the newsletters to the actual text, and showed him up for the lying little c*cksucker that he is. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but, of all the accusations Kirchick levels against Paul, the charge of “homophobia” really takes the cake—and it’s clearly the one that energizes his obvious hatred, aside from Paul’s foreign policy positions.Paul, a medical doctor, is no homophobe: I know that from personal experience, as an openly “gay” guy who has known Paul since the late 1970s. Kirchick whines that the newsletter included a comment to the effect that gays were better off in the closet, rather than “out” as they are today: and yet he, Kirchick, is the perfect example of why this is so. Because every time some whiney little faggot screeches that someone is a “homophobe” on the basis of mere political disagreement, it represents an acute embarrassment to all of us “out” gays who are, shall we say, less sssssssssensitive. Looking at Kirchick’s antics, I feel very much the way any black conservative must feel watching the Rev. Al Sharpton go through his paces. In short, we’d all be a lot better off if gay twinks-with-little-brains like Kirchick had stayed in the closet—and spared us the sight of so much concentrated malevolence.

He’s so cute when he’s angry!

One Response to Raimondo kicks Kirchick again

  1. […] wife) 18th birthday today. They just celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary. So I wonder when James Kirchick is going to accuse Ron of robbing the […]

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